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What is the Worst Part of Aging?

Just yesterday, I was twenty-five years old, young, spunky, full of life, and physically beautiful and robust. Now, I am in my fifties, and many changes are unfolding—physically, mentally, and emotionally. (Check out Fifty, Fat, But, Fabulous!)

Physically, health issues have started to be a concern. Now, my eyesight is terrible; I have Anxiety and panic attack disorder, hypertension, and Atrial Fibrillation. These health issues are the ones that were diagnosed. The undiagnosed issues that I believe I might have are arthritis, back pain, constipation, and obesity.

Then, there are the less serious physical concerns—wrinkles, gray hair, brown facial spots, and everything else that are being pulled down by gravity, like sagging skin. They are annoying and makes us self-conscious.

And, as these physical conditions begin to manifest, our mental and emotional state is affected as well.

Mentally, we begin to forget. We forget everything from taking our medicines to turning off the stove. We forget names, and we forget what we were saying while we are saying it! It is sometimes embarrassing, but it could also be outright dangerous (like forgetting to turn off the stove).

Depression is another mental issue that is brought about by aging. It is a serious medical illness that involves the brain. It is more than just feeling sad or being down in the dumps. When depression persists or continues for an extended period, it disrupts a person’s day to day living and may cause other consequential conditions. It becomes debilitating.

As we grow older and reach our senior years, the younger generation becomes detached from us. Our children get busier and are left with no time to deal with us. Everyone else seems to be distant, physically, and emotionally. Therefore, we feel isolated and alone. Our emotions sometimes get the best of us, and we feel useless, unappreciated, unwanted, and unloved.

We all have different experiences while we go through our journey to old age. But to me, the worst part of aging is forgetfulness. I do not care so much about my physical changes. Those changes are part of the process. It is inevitable, but it can also be masked by make-up or can be slowed down by using moisturizers and creams. And, if you are more adventurous or brave, you can have cosmetic surgery.

Being forgetful, however, is more personal and more challenging to hide, change, or reversed. I cannot imagine myself forgetting things, events, and more so, people and memories. Maybe, right now, I forget the little stuff. I forget where I put my keys down, I forget to feed the dogs, or I forget to call someone. But, later on, we will forget a little bit more than the small stuff. And, with the rise of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease, this eventuality may become a reality. A reality too scary to even think about at this point of our lives.

Our forgetfulness creeps slowly. We experience fading memories, brain fog, and sometimes, transience. Our ability to remember things, whether past or present begin to happen. And now that it has started to happen, it gives us the feeling of fear, apprehension, and lack of self-control.

So, what can we do about forgetfulness, fading, brain fog, and losing our memory? How can we slow down this inevitability?

Here are somethings that we can do to help our brains:

Physical Exercises

Yes, do some physical exercises, run the block, lift weights, do the Zumba. These activities will help your blood circulate in the whole body, including your brain.

Mental Exercises

When you do mental exercises, your brain functions better, and it enhances your brain’s performance. Thus, delaying brain fogging, fading, and even total memory loss.

You can do mental exercises such as reading a book, painting, writing, listening to music, or playing an instrument.  

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Over and over again, we hear this. Maintain a healthy diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Avoid fatty foods, sugar, and simple carbohydrates. Feed your brain with food such as fish with omega-3, berries, avocados, nuts and seeds, and whole-grain products. These kinds of food are suitable for the development and maintenance of functional brain cells.


Sleep and sleep well. says, “The quality of your sleep directly affects your mental and physical health and the quality of your waking life, including your productivity, emotional balance, brain and heart health, immune system, creativity, vitality, and even your weight. No other activity delivers so many benefits with so little effort!”

Sleep is crucial for our overall health. The brain, most notably, is directly affected by sleep or lack thereof. If you do not sleep enough, there is a tendency to be forgetful, absent-minded, scatter-brained, and to lose focus and concentration.

Take Supplements

Lastly, you would want to take some supplements.

We cannot eat all the fish or consume pounds of berries every day of our lives. And, even IF we can, in today’s world, it is no longer what you eat that matters but what you absorb. Fish are good but are all fish safe to eat? With the world’s polluted oceans, are we sure that what we are eating is still as healthy as it should be?

Same is true with eating vegetables. Indeed, vegetables are nutritious. But, again, the world’s soil is no longer as fertile and as healthy as it was before. Therefore, if you plant on unhealthy ground, you reap unhealthy food. Or, at least, you do not get enough nutrients from the food you eat.

Supplements are, therefore, most apt for all of us to take or use. These supplements will help us increase or enhance the vitamins and minerals that we could not get from the food we eat.

Personally, however, I am not taking just any kind of supplements. I am taking Vasayo’s Neuro. Vasayo’s Neuro has liposomes that help our bodies absorb the nutrients more effectively and efficiently. The absorption rate of Vasayo’s Neuro is about 80% to 90% compared to other supplements that you might get from your neighborhood pharmacy, which is absorbed 20% to 30% at best.

Now that we know what to do, let us take control of our lives. Help ourselves never to forget the little things as well as the big things. We only have our memories to keep us going as we grow older. Let us begin doing what is best for our bodies, mind, and spirit.

And, let the worst or the best part of aging be that of forgetting that we are indeed aging!

Where to Buy Vasayo’s Neuro

Do you want Neuro to help you with your forgetfulness, brain fog, and fading? CLICK HERE and get your Neuro and continue making memories that will never be forgotten!

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