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    A Stepmother’s Woes

    Being a stepmother was something I never thought I would be.  People in my home country frown upon falling in love and marrying a man who has children.  It was a big deal! You become the topic of gossips, and the whole clan condemns you! So, no, I never thought of being one.  I never even considered being one. FIRST MEETING I met my now husband through common friends. He is a divorcee. He is a decent man, very respectful, responsible, and yes, very much a father to two teenage daughters.  At first, I was not too impressed with him.  Our first meeting was a disaster.  He arrived two hours…

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    Sunshine Blogger Award

    Just as I thought that my future in blogging is for naught, I got nominated for Sunshine Blogger Award. I want to thank my fellow blogger, Nicole Emanuel of keepcalmitslife.org, for nominating me in this prestigious award. It is truly an honor, and I hope I can keep up with the expectations of my peers in the blogging community. What is the Sunshine Blogger Award? The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award given by bloggers to certain individual peer bloggers who are creative, inspiring, and an all-around outstanding model in the blogging community. RULES IN NOMINATING PEER BLOGGERS FOR THE AWARD: Thank the blogger who nominated you in a blog…

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    Marketing Tools for the 2019 Bloggers

    It is challenging to start something when you do not know where to begin, when, how, and what you need to commence a project or an idea. This challenge is especially real with creating your blog or website. First and foremost, you will need to know the step-by-step instructions on how to build it.  Second, you will need to find out WHAT tools and platforms you need to develop it efficiently and effectively. In my experience, it took me a few years to create my website because I didn’t know where and how to begin.  Then, I came across Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, and he explained everything in…

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    Do you need extra cash to buy a new dress for a special occasion?  Or, are you planning on taking a vacation? How about having money to feed your family? Whatever your reason is, the bottom line is, you need money.  We all need money.  It is for us to survive our day to day living.  If you have no money, you are at the mercy of everyone who has. You will find yourself feeling helpless, nowhere to go, nothing to eat, and no clothes to wear. The streets will be your home. Ok, that’s a bit extreme. But, it is true! And, we don’t want to be in that…

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